Estamos organizando un caucus de Latinos dentro de el Comite Nacional del Partido Verde de Los Estados Unidos. Si eres Latina/o y eres miembro del Partido Verde en tu estado - o quieres ser miembro- y tienes interes en particpar en este caucus, por favor dejanos saber.
Latinx Green Party members have formed a caucus to move the Green Party forward and we are excited to work together to discuss and share solutions.
This Green Party handout is a great addition to your tabling event or wonderful tool when knocking doors.
This brochure easily prints on standard 81/2 x 11 paper and and can be produced in grayscale. Designed to be cut down the middle - providing 2 handouts per printed page.
A download link will be provided after completing checkout.
You are not required to make a donation for the file to be delivered - but please consider kicking in a few dollars directly to the Green Party at check out.